Versum has an advanced, inbuilt WYSIWYG email editor.

In order to use the editor:

  1. Click messages in the left sidebar
  2. Click send a single message or send a bulk message, depending on what you'd like to do (the latter option is available only for receptionists and administrators):
  3. Click the drop-down menu next to 1. Type and select Email. The email editor will be displayed:

The editor has been equipped with multiple editing functions marked and explained below:


  1. <> Source: toggles HTML mode on and off (allows you to edit the source code of the message)
  2. Cut / Copy selected text
  3. Paste - Paste, Paste plain text (clears formatting before text is pasted), Paste from Word (preserves Word formatting and converts it to HTML format)
  4. Undo / Redo: reverts or repeats the last action 
  5. Insert / Remove numbered or bulleted list
  6. Justification options: left justify, center justify, right justify and full justify
  7. Paragraph options: normal, heading etc
  8. Font: change font type
  9. Size: change font size
  10. Text formatting: bold, italics, underline, strikethrough, remove format
  11. Text colour / Background colour
  12. Link / Unlink: inserts or removes a link
  13. Insert image / table / horizontal line
  14. MaximiseMinimise: allows you to edit the message in the full browser window

How to insert a picture:

  1. Click the Image icon:


  2. Click Browse Server:


  3. Click Upload to add images. If you previously uploaded any images, they will be displayed for later reuse.
  4. Navigate to the image you'd like to upload, select it and click Open.
  5. The image will be uploaded to the server and shown on the list. Click the image to select it:


  6. Once you've selected an image, it will be shown in the image properties window. You will be able to enter Alternative Text (shown if the image itself is blocked), image dimensions, alignment etc. To insert a link, go to the Link tab. Once you're done, click OK to insert the image to the message:


  7. If you need to edit the image after pasting it to the message, right-click the image and select Image Properties:


    You can also quickly resize the image by clicking it, and then dragging the corner (the transform handle):
