Versum allows you to use different payment methods during appointment checkout. Owing to that, you get precise and reliable financial statistics and the ability to track payments and have commissions calculated. 

Apart from the default payment methods, you can also create your own, custom payment methods. 

In both cases, you can decide if a payment method should be included in the business revenue as well as employees' revenue and commissions. 

In order to add a custom payment method:

  1. Sign in as an administrator
  2. Click settings in the left sidebar
  3. Click the payments button:

  4. Click payment methods in the menu on the left:

  5. Click add payment method in the right upper corner
  6. Enter the name of the payment method
  7. Checking or clearing the check boxes in points 2 and 3, decide if the payment method will be included in the business's revenue and employee's revenue and commissions, respectively (a selected check box means the payment method will be included in the revenue):


  8. After entering the name and selecting appropriate fields, click add a payment method.

The new payment method will appear in the custom payment methods table. You will be able to edit or delete it at any time. A deleted payment method will still show in the table (greyed out and tagged as deleted) and you will be able to restore it.