You might want to require prepayments only for appointments scheduled for selected days of the week, for instance Saturdays, or dates which are particularly popular, such as the New Year's Eve. Versum allows you to configure the feature in such a way, to help you prevent financial loss resulting from no-shows.
In order to set the prepayment requirement for appointments scheduled for selected dates:
- Sing in as an administator
- Select settings in the left sidebar
- Click payments:
- Enable prepayments, following the instructions
- In the Prepayments section, in point 4. Require prepayments for services, select whether you want to require prepayments for all or just selected services
Note: If you choose the option to require prepayments from selected services, you need to set the prepayment amount in the service records of particular services > Find out how to set the prepayment amount in the service record - Click show in the Advanced section:
- In Require prepayments for appointments select the Scheduled for selected days option
- Depending on whether you want prepayments to be required for appointments scheduled on particular days of the week, select an appropriate option. If you choose selected days of the week, then select the checkboxes next to the days:
- If you also want to select date ranges, click +add date range and choose a date range (or more):
Tip: You can combine settings for selected days of the week and dates. If you select Saturdays and also a date range from 24th to 31st December, prepayments will be required on Saturdays as well as in the selected date range.
- You can also specify whether you want prepayments to be required for appoinments scheduled for the days from all customers or only from new customers (who make their first/first two/first three appointments). To do it, click the drop-down menu in Require prepayments from customers and select one of the available options:
Note: The settings available in the Advanced section will apply for all services or selected services, depending on the option you choose in point two. For instance, if you set prepayments to be required for selected services and for appointments scheduled for Saturdays, your customers will have to make a prepayment only when booking the services with a defined prepayment amount and scheduling their appointment for Saturday.
- Click save changes.