Security of your data is of utmost importance for us and therefore we have made every effort to keep it on the higest possible level. However, even the best and most efficient security measures will not be sufficient if access to the system is not protected with a secure password.

Below you can find useful tips on how to create a secure password as well as rules which you should follow if you want to make sure your password does not fall into the wrong hands.

How to create a secure password:

A secure password is both easy to remember and impossible to guess. It should be long enough to make it difficult to break with the use of password cracking software. Using lowercase letters as well as uppercase letters and special characters will further improve its security. There is an easy way to create a strong password - read the instuctions below to find out.

In order to create a secure password that is easy to remember:

  1. Think of a sentence that is easy to remember for you

    It can be a well-known quote or make up your own sentence.
    Let us use the following sentence for the purpose of this article: Versum is an efficient solution for salon management.

  2. Make a note of the first letters of your sentence

    If the sentence is short, you can also use, for instance, the first and the second letter of each word.
    We will get the following acronym:

  3. Make some of the letters uppercase

    To make it easier to remember, you can do it for just one part of speech, e.g. only nouns.

  4. Add digits

    You should think of a number which is meaningful to you, but it should not be e.g. your birthday, as it is too straightforward and therefore easy to guess. You can insert it in between the letters:

  5. Add special characters (e.g. $%^&*(:<?)

    You can add them at the beginning or at the end of your password:

A secure password:

  • contains at least 10 characters
  • contains letters (uppercase and lowercase), digits and special characters
  • is easy to remember but difficult to crack
  • is used for one website/system only

When creating a password, do NOT use:

  • the name of your salon
  • your login or a part of it
  • a dictionary entry in any language, especially in the infinitive or nominative (even if they seem difficult to guess, are written backwards, contain popular mistakes or are abbreviated), on its own or accompanied by digits only (e.g. password123)
  • your personal details (name, surname, date of birth, etc.)
  • a sequence of characters or one multiplied character (1234...,11111)
  • a sequence of characters which are next to one another on the keyboard (qwerty..., qazws..., etc.)

Password security measures:

Now you know the rules for creating a secure password. However, it is equally important to keep the password secure after you've created it, as even the strongest password will be useless if you write it down on a piece of paper and stick to your monitor. 

To prevent unauthorized access to the system, observe the following rules:

  • Do not give your password to anyone, either in a conversation, by phone or email
  • Do not store your password on the computer and do not write it down on a piece of paper
  • Do change your password regularly, at least once every three months (you can also change a part of it every time, e.g. the special characters)
  • Do change the password every time there is a risk it could have fallen into the wrong hands or if you see any suspicious activity on your account
  • Do log in only if you are sure the Wi-Fi connection is secure, do not enter your password when connected to unsecured networks
  • Do not enter your password when using publicly available computers 
  • Do make sure you have applied appropriate security measures, such as installing and updating antivirus software, firewall, etc.

Read also:

> How to change your user password