Using resource statistics allows you to check how often they are used (appointment duration) and what revenue they generate.

You can access resource statistics in the following reports:

The "Resources" report

In order to access the report:

  1. Click Statistics in the left sidebar
  2. Click Resources in the menu on the left:

    The report contains information about the total resource occupancy time (in the Chart tab) as well as the total appointment duration and the number of appointments (in the Table tab) for a selected period.

The "Services" report > the "Statistics by resource" tab

In order to access the report:

  1. Click Statistics in the left sidebar
  2. Click Services in the menu on the left:

  3. Click the Statistics by resources tab:

    The report contains information about the number of appointments which the resource has been assigned to as well as their value (the revenue generated by a given resource).