Sometimes it is necessary to assign multiple services to one resource at once, for example when you buy new equipment, which will be used for many services. Instead of editing individual services separately, you can assign them to a given resource all at once.

In order to assign multiple services to a resource:

  1. Sign in to Versum as an administrator
  2. Click services in the left sidebar
  3. On the service list, select the services which you want to assign to a resource:

    Tip: If you want to assign all services belonging to one category, you can first click the name of the category in the menu on the left in order to display all services that belong to this category and then select the checkbox next to the Name column header:

  4. After selecting the services you want to assign to a resource, click edit selected in the left upper corner and then click assign resources:
  5. In the Assign resources pop-up window, click the Select a resource drop-down menu in the Require section and select a resource from the list:

  6. If a given service requires multiple resources, you can add them using the and and or operators:

    - or - use this operator if providing a service requires the use of any of several resources (e.g. the service "Laser Hair Removal" may require the use of either "Laser 1" or "Laser 2")

    Resource priorities - if you create a group of resources with the use of the or operator, you can optionally assign priority to one of them, which will determine which of them should be booked first > More on resource priorities

    - and - use this operator if providing a service requires the use of all assigned resources (e.g. the service "Full Body Massage" may require the use of both a "Massage Room" and a "Massage Table" - a room as well as a device)
    > More on resources relationship types

    You can also use both operators at the same time - e.g. the service "Full body massage" may require the "massage room" resource and either "massage table 1" or "massage table 2".

  7. After adding all the necessary information, click save changes. If you edit multiple services at once, saving changes may take up to a few minutes

    Note: If some of the selected services were previously assigned to some resources, the existing assignments will be replaced by the new ones after saving changes:

See also:

> How to assign resources to a service in the service record