A customer description allows you to quickly check the most important information on a customer (e.g. discounts, preferred hair dye etc.) without having to enter the customer record.

The description will be shown with each of the customer's appointments in the appointment book, allowing staff members to easily access the required details.

You can add and edit the description in the appointment book and in the customers module. 

Adding and editing the description in the appointment book

You can edit the description by clicking a customer's appointment in the appointment book. 

In order to do that:

  1. Click the customer's appointment in the appointment book
  2. In the appointment window, click the customer's name
  3. In the popup window that will appear, click the edit description option:
  4. Enter the description
  5. Click the save changes button.

Adding and editing the description in the customers module

You can add and edit the customer description directly in the customer record, without having to search for the customer's appointment.

In order to do that:

  1. Click the customers button in the left sidebar
  2. Click the customer's name on the list (you can use the search field)
  3. Click the edit description link:

  4. Enter or edit the description
  5. Click save.

Tip: You can also add customer notes while adding a new customer. > More on adding new customers