Versum allows you to grant discounts (both amount and percentage) while checking out appointments.

In order to do that:

  1. Click the appt book button in the left sidebar menu
  2. Find and click the appointment you want to check out
  3. Click the check out appointment button
  4. Click the add discount button:

  5. By default, you will add a discount for all services and products. If you want to grant a discount only for selected services and products, click the Discount dropdown menu and select the option selected services and products:

  6. You will see the list of products and services. Enter the discount in the discount column. You may specify a percentage value or a particular amount
  7. Versum will display the standard and the discounted prices and calculate the total amount to pay. Click save 
  8. Make sure all details are correct and click the check out appointments button.